What Post Tension Products Offers

Unbonded post-tensioned hardware, such as anchors, splice couplers, and other materials used for tendon repairs.

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Innovative equipment to help restore the structural integrity of post-tensioned concrete structures.

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Specialty tools used for post-tension repairs, as well as parts for our post-tension repair hardware.

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Hardware used to provide vehicular restraint and pedestrian fall protection in parking garages.

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Why Choose Post-Tension Products?

Our approach to product development is based on decades of field experience as specialty post-tensioning contractors. We’ve identified products that either didn’t exist or didn’t work as well as we knew that they could. Our core products are the result of in-house design, development, and testing of items that we routinely use.

proudly made in the usa


We’re more than just replicators; we’re trailblazers in our industry, continuously pushing the limits to introduce groundbreaking solutions to post-tension problems. Our product range doesn’t just tweak existing hardware; it pioneers entirely new innovations aimed at reshaping industry benchmarks.


Our hardware undergoes extensive independent laboratory testing to meet applicable industry standards.


Our in-house quality control inspections ensure that all products conform to our design criteria.


We have our staff handling everything from design & testing,
quality control, sales, shipping, and accounting functions.


We have a strong partnership with several affiliate companies. Our product development, field testing, and manufacturing is
undertaken with a collaborative and efficient approach.

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